A prominent role for Mission-Specific Platforms (MSP) is anticipated to achieve the goals of the 2050 Science Framework, which represents a new and innovative approach for conducting science using offshore drilling platforms.
MagellanPlus welcomes proposals for topical workshops aimed at generating MSP drilling proposals, either as stand-alone projects or as part of land-to-sea transects that integrate marine and continental coring. Scientific themes must be aligned with the Strategic Objectives defined in the 2050 Science Framework including, but will not be limited to:
– – Earth’s Climate System (e.g., oceanic gateways, ice sheets and sea-level rise);
– – Global Cycles of Energy and Matter (e.g., freshwater aquifers);
– – Natural Hazards Impacting Society (e.g., slope stability, volcanic hazards, earthquakes); – The Oceanic Life Cycle of Tectonic Plates (e.g., formation of oceanic lithosphere, intraplate magmatism, young rifts);
– – Habitability and Life on Earth (e.g., deep biosphere).
Proposals that would use the JOIDES Resolution (JR) will not be taken into consideration. The JOIDES Resolution Facility Board has recently decided to no longer request any new propos- als/pre-proposals that would address the current Science Plan. The number of JR-related scien- tific drilling proposals that are currently active in the system are more than sufficient to sched- ule this platform through the end of 2024.
MagellanPlus workshops are normally expected to take place in ECORD/ICDP member countries, but exceptions can be made when justified.
A typical workshop is expected to take place over 2-4 days, and have 20-35 participants. Funding/participation: The contribution will not exceed 15,000 € per workshop. Priority is given to ECORD and ICDP member countries.The participation of young scientists is particularly encouraged.
Proposals must be submitted by email as a single, combined pdf document to: magellan.plus@uu.nl and to the ECORD Managing Agency – ema@cerege.fr
Deadline for submission: May 15, 2022